Privacy Policy

Updated on: 11-Jun-2024 keeps your personal information confidential and only use it to improve user experience on the websites. we will make sure that it is taken care of and protected. Please read the following to learn more about our privacy policy.


Collection of image, and Usage of Collected image:

Our website and application “ibuyfromindia” may collect user images or videos from users for various purposes, such as profile pictures or content submission or customer review pictures or videos along with our dresses sell through our website (ibuyfromindia) to showcase our dresses to new users. Please be aware that any images submitted to us may be stored on our servers for future use. However, we do not share these images with any third parties; they are only used for internal purposes, such as improving our services and showcase our dresses to other user to get overview of our product. By submitting an image to our website or our mobile app, you acknowledge and consent to our collection and storage of your image and video. If you wish to delete your images or videos from our database, you can request anytime through our email Id: or through mobile: +917708789520 for our support at and we will remove it and we respect customer privacy.


Data Collected

We ask you for your personal information like name, phone number, email, profile image, billing and shipping addresses, along with your credit card number, while placing your order with us.

Usage of Collected Data:

These personal information are highly confidential and pass through safe payment gateways and does not shared with any third party, it is purely involved for the completion of your transaction and delivery of your order to your home location. These information are shared only to courier partner to deliver our products to your location. We may also use your email address or phone number to contact you if we have questions about your order. We may also use your email address to notify you about new services or special promotional programs, or send you offers or information if you have opted-in. Emails are sent only to iBuyFromIndia members who have chosen to receive them (opted-in) or who have made a purchase on our website. At any time, you can notify us that you wish to stop receiving these emails or wish to delete your personal information from our database through our email Id: or through mobile: +917708789520 at our support. In addition, we keep a record of your past purchases, returns, and credits. We may also ask you for information regarding your personal preferences and demographics to help us better meet your needs. These personal information will be used only for the purpose stated in this Privacy Policy.


Data collected, and Usage of Collected Data:

  • App and Website interactions for Analytics, Personalisation
  • In-app and Website search history for functionality, Analytics, Personalisation
  • Other actions for App functionality, Analytics, Personalisation

Cookies: Cookies are alphanumeric identifiers that we transfer to your computer’s hard drive through your browser to enable our systems to recognize your browser and tell us how and when pages in our site are visited and by how many people. Company cookies do not collect Personal Information, and we do not combine the general information collected through cookies with other Personal Information to tell us who you are or what your screen name or email address is. If the User does not want the information collected through cookies, the cookie feature can be readily accepted or rejected in most browsers.

What Security Procedures does iBuyFromIndia Use To Protect Personal Information?

iBuyFromIndia is committed to protecting all the information you share with us. We follow stringent procedures to help protect the confidentiality, security, and integrity of data stored on our systems The Site encrypts your credit card number and other personal information using secure socket layer (SSL) technology to provide for the secure transmission of the information from your PC to our servers. .Only those employees who need access to your information in order to perform their duties are allowed such access. Any employee who violates our privacy and/or security policies is subject to disciplinary action, including possible termination and civil and/or criminal prosecution.

Server statistics

iBuyFromIndia uses Google Analytics that allows us to analyze the amount and type of member traffic we get on our Website. We use this data to make improvements to your shopping experience and to ensure that we have enough capacity to properly serve all of our users. The software provides aggregate reporting information to iBuyFromIndia only. No personal or personally identifiable information is gathered or used for this process.

In an effort to make our Website as effective and enjoyable as possible, the computers that operate it collect certain information each time you visit. We store these statistics in server logs. Once again, these statistics do not identify you personally, but provide us information regarding the type of user who is accessing our Website and certain browsing activities of that user. This data may include: the IP address of the user accessing our Website (i.e. the unique I.D. number of the user’s computer), the type of browser (Internet Explorer, Firefox, etc.) and the operating system (Windows, Mac OS, etc.), the Website the user last visited before linking to our Website, how long the user accessed our Website in any given session, and the date and time of access. We may make extensive use of this data at an aggregated level in order to understand how our Website is being used

Service Providers

iBuyFromIndia may use various outside agencies (third party service providers) to operate the website. For example, we may use third parties to host our Website, operate various features made available on our Website, send emails, analyze data, provide search results and links, and assist in fulfilling your orders. Some of these third parties may need access to your information in order to make the services provided through our Website work. Information will only be disclosed to these service providers on a need-to-know basis, and they will only be permitted to use such information for the purpose of providing the particular services provided by such entities in connection with our Website.


iBuyFromIndia may be forced to disclose information in order to comply with a subpoena, court order, administrative or governmental order, or any other requirement of law, or iBuyFromIndia, in its sole discretion, deems it necessary in order to protect our rights or the rights of others, to prevent harm to persons or property, to fight fraud and credit risk, or to enforce or apply our Website terms of use. Personally identifiable information may be transferred as an asset in connection with a merger or sale (including any transfers made as part of an insolvency or bankruptcy proceeding) involving all or part of our business or as part of a corporate reorganization, stock sale, or other change in control.

Children’s Privacy and Parental Controls

We do not solicit any personal information from children. If you are not 18 or older, you are not authorized to use the Site. Parents should be aware that there are parental control tools available online that you can use to prevent your children from submitting information online without parental permission or from accessing material that is harmful to minors.

What does this Privacy Policy cover?

This Privacy Policy covers Company’s treatment of personally identifiable information (“Personal Information”) that Company gathers when you are accessing Company’s Website and when you use Company services. This policy does not apply to the practices of companies that Company does not own or control, or to individuals that Company does not employ or manage.

How does iBuyFromIndia Gather and Use Information?

The information we gather from customers enables us to personalize and improve our services, and to allow our users to set up a user account and make purchases via the Website. We collect the following types of information from our customers.

iBuyFromIndia keeps track of your information to offer you the best possible shopping experience. When you register (log in), you supply your email address and a password. This allows you to access to your account every time you visit our Website and store your wish list and cart list for certain period before the cookies expires. Before completing your first purchase.

Modification and notification of changes

You acknowledge that this Privacy Policy is part of the Terms of Use and you unconditionally agree that using this Website signifies your assent to iBuyFromIndia Privacy Policy. If you do not agree with this Privacy Policy, please do not use our Website. Your visit and any dispute over privacy is subject to this policy and our Terms of Use, including limitations on damages

iBuyFromIndia reserves the right to change the terms of use and this Privacy Policy, at any time. We will post any changes so that you are always aware of our policy. Unless stated otherwise, our current Privacy Policy applies to all information that we have about you and your account. We stand behind the promises we make, however, and will never materially change our policies and practices to make them less protective of customer information collected in the past without the consent of affected customers.

Questions and Concerns

If you have any questions or concerns regarding privacy at Company site, please send us an email to admin@ and we will make every effort to resolve your concerns. You may also phone us at +91 7708789520.

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